Beneficial Ownership Interest Filing is Still On Pause

Here’s the latest update on Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) reports under the Corporate Transparency Act. Due to ongoing federal court rulings, companies are not required to file BOI reports with FinCEN at this time. Filing is voluntary for now. Please check out FinCEN’s latest alert quoted below. Stay tuned for further updates as the situation develops. FinCENContinue reading “Beneficial Ownership Interest Filing is Still On Pause”

Corporate Transparency Act – Reporting Requirement Deadline Update

On December 3, 2024, the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas issued a nationwide preliminary injunction, pausing enforcement of the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA). The court noted that “reporting companies need not comply with the CTA’s January 1, 2025, BOI reporting deadline pending further order of the Court.” This is not a finalContinue reading “Corporate Transparency Act – Reporting Requirement Deadline Update”

The Corporate Transparency Act & Startups

The Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) became effective on January 1, 2024, and will undoubtedly cause difficulties for many startup companies. The upshot is almost all new companies formed will have to file beneficial ownership reports with FinCEN (the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, which is a bureau of the US Treasury Department). There are exemptions, suchContinue reading “The Corporate Transparency Act & Startups”

CTA Beneficial Ownership Reporting Challenges in Community Property States

Inset:  This post was co-authored by Joe Wallin, a partner in the Seattle, Washington office of Carney Badley Spellman and Jonathan Wilson with the FinCEN Report.  Original post found here. The Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) took effect January 1, 2024.  This new federal law will require non-exempt reporting companies to report personally identifiable information for each beneficial owner (each,Continue reading “CTA Beneficial Ownership Reporting Challenges in Community Property States”

Washington State House Bill 1155 – My Health My Data Act

By Amy Weston Washington State is on track to pass a far-reaching new piece of legislation in the upcoming weeks. The “My Health My Data” Act (House Bill 1155), if signed into law, will take effect starting on March 31, 2024. The title of the law implies that it will only apply to health careContinue reading “Washington State House Bill 1155 – My Health My Data Act”