Blockchain Tokens: The SEC’s Take

By Evan Jensen and Joe Wallin On July 25, 2017, the SEC issued a number of important pronouncements with respect to initial coin offerings and blockchain tokens. The SEC issued: (1) a press release; (2) an investigative report into The DAO coin offering; (3) a Statement by the Divisions of Corporation Finance and Enforcement onContinue reading “Blockchain Tokens: The SEC’s Take”

NYSE Entrepreneur’s Roadmap

NYSE Entrepreneur’s RoadmapWe participated in the publication of this book, The NYSE Entrepreneur’s Roadmap. The NYSE Entrepreneur’s Roadmap, from Concept to IPO Founders will find this book helpful as they navigate their startup’s formation, financing, and ultimate liquidity. Where You Can Find The Book You can find the entire book at on the New YorkContinue reading “NYSE Entrepreneur’s Roadmap”

Cryptocurrency Whitepapers: A List

If you are looking for cryptocurrency whitepapers, we have put together a list of some of the largest transactions over the last two years. Please help us and we will update this list as more come online. Cryptocurrency Whitepapers If you are interested in more information about this, please don’t hesitate to contact Ashley Long orContinue reading “Cryptocurrency Whitepapers: A List”

A Good Day For Equity Crowdfunding

Yesterday was a good day for equity crowdfunding. Washington Governor Jay Inslee signed into law Washington HB 1593. This bill will make it easier for companies in Washington State to use Washington’s equity crowdfunding bill. If you like, you can watch the bill signing ceremony. Thank you Governor Inslee, Representatives Brandon Vick (R-Ridgefield) and Steve KirbyContinue reading “A Good Day For Equity Crowdfunding”

Term Sheets: Binding & Non-Binding

First, let’s get the terminology of term sheets out of the way. Whether the document that outlines your deal is called a “term sheet,” a “memorandum of understanding” or a “letter of intent,” these terms mean nearly the same thing. We will use the “term sheet” in this article, but other words could easily beContinue reading “Term Sheets: Binding & Non-Binding”

Venture Capital Office Hours with Voyager Capital

UW students and faculty interested in startups can talk monthly, face-to-face, with a venture capital investor and startup attorney.  Randall Lucas of Voyager Capital and I hold open office hours the first Wednesday of each month at the University of Washington. Who comes to see us?  A wide range, from skateboard-toting sophomores who have codedContinue reading “Venture Capital Office Hours with Voyager Capital”

Dear IRS: Let’s Make the Filing of 83(b) Elections Easier

(This was a longer post but I have abbreviated it to simplify it.) Right now there is no guidance from the IRS which expressly countenances electronic signatures on 83(b) elections. This is unfortunate. I would recommend the new administration issue guidance right away which countenances electronic signatures on 83(b) elections to remove any uncertainty aboutContinue reading “Dear IRS: Let’s Make the Filing of 83(b) Elections Easier”

Washington State Equity Crowdfunding Update

Good news! Senators Fain and Mullet have sponsored SB 5680 in the Washington State Senate. This is the same bill as HB 1593 in the House. The bill would make important technical improvements to Washington State’s equity crowdfunding law The highlights of the bill include: Allowing Delaware corporations to use Washington State’s equity crowdfunding law.Continue reading “Washington State Equity Crowdfunding Update”

Washington State Equity Crowdfunding Update

My colleague Danny Neuman and I testified this morning in support of HB 1593. This bill would improve the Washington State equity crowdfunding law. The bill is sponsored by Representatives Vick and Kirby. HB 1593 Would Do a Number of Helpful Things HB 1593 would do the following: Eliminate the quarterly public disclosure of executive officerContinue reading “Washington State Equity Crowdfunding Update”