Overbroad Nondisclosure, Confidentiality, and Nondisparagement Agreements Violate the National Labor Relations Act

By Lucinda Luke

March 2023

A new case recently decided by the National Labor Relations Board held that “an employer violates Section 8(a)(1) of the [National Labor Relations] Act when it proffers a severance agreement with provisions that would restrict employees’ exercise of their NLRA rights.” McLaren Macomb, 372 NLRB No. 58, slip op. at 7 (2023). “Such an agreement,” reasoned the NLRB, tends “to restrain, coerce, or interfere with the exercise of Section 7 rights by employees…” Id.

This decision covers almost all private sector employers, not just unionized workplaces.  However, the decision applies only to agreements between employers and current or former nonsupervisory employees (managers, independent contractors, or those who qualify as a supervisor under the National Labor Relations Act (“NLRA”) are not implicated). 

The following severance agreement language was at issue in the McLaren Macomb case:

Confidentiality Agreement. “The Employee acknowledges that the terms of this Agreement are confidential and agrees not to disclose them to any third person, other than [a] spouse, or as necessary to professional advisors.”

Nondisclosure.At all times hereafter, the Employee promises and agrees not to disclose information, knowledge, or materials of a confidential, privileged, or proprietary nature of which the Employee has or had knowledge of, or involvement with, by reason of the Employee’s employment. At all times hereafter, the Employee agrees not to make statements to Employer’s employees or to the general public which could disparage or harm the image of Employer, its parent and affiliated entities and their officers, directors, employees, agents[,] and representatives.”

The NLRB found this language overly broad and determined that it would have a chilling effect on an employee’s Section 7 rights under the NLRA.

Nondisparagement.  The NLRB also addressed the severance agreement’s nondisparagement clause.  Under prior NLRB case law, employees have a right to criticize an employer’s policy so long as the communication is not “so disloyal, reckless, or maliciously untrue as to lose the Act’s protection.” Emarco, Inc., 284 NLRB 832, 833 (1987).

The NLRB took issue with the nondisparagement provision’s breadth and the fact that it did not define disparagement or meaningfully limit whom the employees were prohibited from discussing.  The provision protected not only the employer but also “its parents and affiliated entities and their officers, directors, employees, agents, and representatives”.  The provision also had no expiration.  The NLRB determined that this nondisparagement provision prevented employees from saying virtually anything regarding anyone connected to the employer for all time.  As such, the NLRB found that this provision, as drafted, was impermissible.

The NLRB’s decision is also notable because it holds that an employer violates the NLRA when it offers an employee a severance agreement with offending provisions like those described above. It does not matter whether the employee accepts the agreement; simply offering an agreement with illegal provisions violates the law.

Although this decision may be appealed, for the present, employers should review any severance agreements, offer letters, proprietary information, and invention assignment agreements, and other employment agreements to ensure the nondisparagement, nondisclosure, and confidentiality provisions are narrowly drafted and comply with the NLRB’s McLaren Macomb decision. 

Amendments to Washington’s Equal Pay and Opportunity Act

by Lucinda J. Luke 12/28/22

Amendments to Washington’s Equal Pay and Opportunity Act (EPOA) go into effect January 1, 2023 (with no grace period) and require most employers who engage in business in Washington state to include pay ranges and benefits information in their job postings.

The Washington Department of Labor and Industries has recently released its administrative guidance on the amendments. The following are a few of L&I’s guidance points:

  • Definition of “Employer” and “Applicant”. The law covers any employer that “engages in any business, industry, profession, or activity” in Washington. The salary disclosure requirements apply to employers who have 15 or more employees (only 1 needs to be a Washington-based employee). Employers are covered if they (1) engage in business in Washington or (2) recruit for jobs that could be filled by a Washington-based employee. An applicant is anyone, including a current employee, who applies for a posted position.
  • “Posting” defined. A posting is defined as “any solicitation intended to recruit job applicants for a specific available position, including recruitment done directly by an employer or indirectly through a third party, and includes any postings done electronically, or with a printed hard copy, that includes qualifications for desired applicants.”
  • Wage scale or salary range. The salary range should be clear and without open-ended phrases such as “$10,000/per month and up.” L&I’s guidance also clarifies that “wage scale or salary range” is the “reasonable and genuinely expected range of compensation. “Job listings that can be filled with varying job titles should list a range for each job title.
  • Commissions or piece rate jobs. Jobs that pay commissions or piece rate “should include the rate or rate range that would be offered to the hired applicant,”
  • “Benefits” defined. L&I’s guidance lists of the benefit that should ordinarily be listed: healthcare benefits, retirement benefits, any benefits permitting paid days off, and any other benefits that must be reported for federal tax purposes, such as fringe benefits. “Employers need not assign a monetary value to their benefits.
  • Other compensation. Employers need not assign a value to compensation that is not a wage or salary such as stock options or bonuses. L&I suggests that a compliant reference to bonuses and stock could be: “Hired applicant will be able to purchase company stock, receive annual bonuses, and can participate in profit-sharing.”

Time to Update Your Severance Agreements: New Washington State Law and National Labor Relations Board Decision Place Additional Requirements

Authored by: Joshua D. Brittingham 
March 2023

Severance agreements have traditionally included confidentiality clauses that allow employers to keep the terms of the agreement, including the amount paid, confidential. This is particularly true when an employee has asserted claims that are waived as part of the severance agreement. However, recent legislation in Washington, known as the Silenced No More Act (RCW 49.44.211), and a National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) decision in McLaren Macomb, 372 NLRB No. 58 (2023), place new restrictions on such confidentiality clauses, requiring changes to many employers’ current severance practices.

Washington State Silenced No More Act

The Silenced No More Act, effective June 9, 2022, was passed in response to the #MeToo movement and seeks to prevent nondisclosure or non-disparagement clauses in any agreement between an employer and employee that would prevent an employee from disclosing conduct they reasonably believe to be illegal. This includes illegal discrimination, harassment, retaliation, wage and hour violations, sexual assault, and violating a clear public policy mandate. Under the new law, employers cannot prevent employees from disclosing the existence of a settlement agreement related to such conduct, but they can still prevent disclosure of the settlement amount.

National Labor Relations Board Decision

On February 21, 2023, the NLRB went further, holding that severance agreements containing broad confidentiality and non-disparagement clauses violate Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act. The NLRB held that even offering an employee a severance agreement containing an overly broad non-disparagement and confidentiality clause could violate the NLRA. Section 7 of the NLRA allows employees to collectively work together to improve working conditions, freely discuss the terms of their employment with current and former employees, file NLRB claims, and assist and cooperate with NLRB investigations. Under the decision, a non-disparagement clause may still prohibit statements that are “disloyal, reckless, or maliciously untrue.”

Potential Penalties

Employers in violation may be subject to severe penalties. Employers that violate the Silenced No More nondisclosure rules may be liable for a minimum of $10,000 in statutory damages, plus the employee’s reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs. Employers who violate Section 7 of the NLRA may be liable for up to $50,000 in civil penalties.


Employers can comply with both the Silenced No More Act and NLRB decision by including specific language that carves out any non-disclosure or non-disparagement obligations. We recommend that employers review their form severance agreements and any other employment-related agreements to ensure compliance with the new requirements and are happy to answer any questions.


RCW 49.44.211 



5 Things You Should Know about the New Washington State Capital Gains Tax

Authored by: Lauren Fricke

In 2021, the Washington State legislature enacted a new tax on the sale of long-term capital assets. In March 2022, the Douglas County Superior Court ruled the new tax is invalid because it violates the state constitution. That decision has been appealed to the Washington State Supreme Court, but while we await its decision, taxpayers have been uncertain about whether and when they may need to file and pay the tax. However, on November 30, 2022, the Washington State Supreme Court granted a stay on the lower court’s ruling. The effect of this stay is that the Department of Revenue can begin collecting the capital gains tax for capital gains generated since January 1, 2022.

The question is, what does this mean for you? Here are five things you should know.

  1. How much is the tax?
    • 7% on the sale and exchange of all assets occurring on or after January 1, 2022, with gains exceeding a standard deduction of $250,000 in 2022. 
  2. When do I need to file and pay the tax?
    • Filings and payment to the Department of Revenue are due April 18, 2023.
  3. Are there any exclusions or deductions?
    • Yes. There are several important exclusions and deductions such as the sale or exchange of real estate, assets held in retirement accounts, timber and timberland, certain agricultural products, and qualified family-owned small businesses. In order to qualify as a family-owned business, the business must be one in which the taxpayer held a qualifying interest for at least five years immediately preceding the sale; the taxpayer and/or members of the taxpayer’s family materially participated in operating the business for at least five of the ten years immediately preceding the sale or transfer; and the worldwide gross revenue is less than or equal to $10,000,000.
  4. Will the tax remain in effect?
    • We do not know yet. While the stay on the lower court’s opinion allows the Department of Revenue to begin collecting the new tax, the case itself has not been decided. The Washington State Supreme Court heard oral argument on the issue on January 26, 2023. However, we may not get a final decision until after the filing deadline in April.
  5. What should I be doing now?
    • Be proactive and do not wait for the decision. Consult a tax professional in order to begin preparing your filing for the April deadline. With the tax reinstated pending the decision, the Department of Revenue can collect the tax starting in April without waiting for a decision to be issued.


Washington Supreme Court Order: https://www.courts.wa.gov/content/publicUpload/Supreme%20Court%20Orders/1007698%20Public%20Order%20Motion%20113022.pdf

Link to the Washington State Statute: https://app.leg.wa.gov/RCW/default.aspx?cite=82.87

Department of Revenue Information page: https://dor.wa.gov/taxes-rates/other-taxes/capital-gains-tax

GDPR Update – Step 3: Time to Update your Standard Contractual Clauses!

Welcome back to the Carney Law Privacy team’s blog on all things privacy-related.  This post follows up on the steps needed to update Standard Contractual Clauses.  As you have likely heard, in response to the Schrems II decision invalidating the Privacy Shield and to reflect Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), on June 4, 2021, the European Commission released the updated Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs).   As a reminder, the SCCs (old and new) are the mechanism permitting the transfer of personal data about data subjects located in the EU to entities located in most countries outside the EU. 

How are the new SCCs different from the old ones? 

The new SCCs are more flexible than the old versions, better reflecting the realities of how companies process data in today’s world.  For one, they come in four modular versions: 

  • Controller-to-controller 
  • Controller-to-processor 
  • Processor-to-controller  
  • Processor-to-processor 

The idea is that companies assess which of the four scenarios above applies to their transaction and implement the appropriate module into their definitive agreement or addendum, as needed.   

Second, the new SCCs are not as rigid as the last versions, which companies were not permitted to adjust in any other ways to reflect the unique arrangement.  For example, companies can now include the relevant clauses of the SCCs directly into a definitive agreement, rather than execute them separately, and supplement them with additional terms that do not contradict the requisite clauses or infringe upon data subjects’ rights.  They are also deemed to meet the requirements of GDPR so that there is no need for a separate DPA with additional or supplementary terms.

How and when should you update your SCCs? 

If you currently have your SCCs cross-referenced in a Data Processing Agreement (DPA), consider updating the reference in the DPA to reflect the new SCCs.  This will include specifying who the data exporter and data importer are, and which of the above-referenced modules will apply.  You may also choose to specify whether some of the optional clauses in the new SCCs should apply.  These include specifying whether third parties can “join” the SCCs via a new docking clause, whether certain types of “onward transfers” are permitted (including to subcontractors), and whether the parties choose to use an independent dispute resolution body, among other things.  You will also need to specify what law applies and in what jurisdiction disputes will be resolved.  Finally, as was the case with the old SCCs, you are required to include details about the importer and exporter and must describe the processing activity taking place.  Unlike the old SCCs, the new versions require the data importer (i.e., the entity in the US) to include in as much detail as possible a description of the technical and organizational measures implemented to ensure an appropriate level of security.   

If you do not have a form DPA or are relying on a form of DPA that is now outdated, consider swapping out the DPA in its entirety with the new standard contractual clauses, or, for certain types of transactions, consider folding the SCCs directly into your definitive transaction agreement.   

If you are entering into a new contract that involves the type of transfer discussed in this blog, you should be using the new SCCs as of September 27, 2021.  If your contract is already in place and relies upon the old SCCs, then you have until December 27, 2022, to replace those with the new SCCs.  This leaves you plenty of time to create a plan, review existing contracts and determine what needs to be updated between now then. 

Which module should you pick?   

Which of the four above modules you pick will depend upon whether you are the exporter (the entity sending data outside the EU) or the importer (the entity receiving the data from the EU).  Most importantly, do you control the nature and means of the processing of information?  Meaning, do you decide what to do with it, how to access and store it, with whom to share it, and how long you hold on to it?  If so, you are likely the controller of the information.   

Alternatively, are you acting upon the directions of your contractual partner and only using the information as needed to perform your commitments under the contract?  If so, you are likely the processor.  This can be a complicated exercise and can also depend heavily on the context of the processing, meaning that your entity might be a controller for certain purposes and a processor for others.  It is never a bad idea to consult with legal counsel if you are not sure. 

What else should you be thinking about? 

Don’t forget the impact the updated SCCs may have on your internal infrastructure.  For example, if you currently use subcontractors or other service providers to process personal data, then you will also need to update your agreements with them to ensure you are adequately meeting your obligations in the new SCCs.  You may also be required to disclose their names in the new SCCs. 

In some cases, the new SCCs may not be the most appropriate or best approach to the transfer at hand.  In these cases, an alternative transfer mechanism might be preferable, such as binding corporate rules or reliance on one of the derogations available under article 49 of the GDPR (i.e., explicit consent).

A final word on data transfer impact assessments  

One of the issues in the Schrems II case was the conflict between individual privacy and a foreign government’s ability to step in and access the personal data being transferred. The new standard contractual clauses include a risk-based method for assessing the likelihood of a government requesting or demanding access to this kind of data, with the idea being that if the risk of foreign government access is too great, the transfer may not occur.  As part of this exercise, companies are documenting their risk analysis in Transfer Impact Assessments (TIAs).  In our next post, we will take a closer look at these TIAs and provide you with some key takeaways, including whether you need one and what it should include. 

As always, if you have any questions about the new SCCs, how to update your DPA or other agreements, or other privacy-related questions, please reach out to our privacy team!  We routinely help clients make sense of these challenges and are happy to help you strategize best practices for your business model.   

About Carney Badley Spellman, P.S.

Carney Badley Spellman is about Advocacy, Strategy, Results. Located in Seattle, we are a full-service law firm committed to exceptional client service and professional excellence. Our firm serves individuals and businesses of all types and sizes. Also, our attorneys work with closely-held companies to Fortune 500 corporations in the Pacific Northwest and across the United States. Although Carney Badley Spellman‘s location is in Seattle, Washington, we are proud to be a part of the Washington state community and communities across the nation.

For more articles like this please visit our websites: Privacy Blog, The Startup Law Blog, and Carney Law.

Catching up on Privacy News!

Welcome back to Shhhh…(a Privacy Blog).   Lots have happened in the privacy world in the past few months, and we thought we’d catch our readers up on the biggest headlines. 

Updated Standard Contractual Clauses

The first part of Step 2 involves taking the country list from Step 1 and determining whether the European Commission has found the privacy protections of those countries adequate under GDPR.  Remember: this is for data exports outside of the European Economic Area versions.  As a quick reminder, the SCCs continue to be the most common and, for many US-based companies, the most feasible transfer mechanism for transfers of personal data from Europe to the United States and to any other country without an adequacy decision from the European Commission.  The updated SCCs are designed to reflect a broader range of data transfer scenarios, including processor-to-subprocessor and processor-to-controller transfers, and scenarios where the data exporter (the entity transferring data outside of the EU) is itself established outside of the EU.  However, there is a lot to unpack about how to implement the new SCCs.  For example, according to the European Data Protection Board’s recommendations addressing cross-border data transfers, a company seeking to transfer data outside the EU must verify on a case-by-case basis whether the law or practice of the third-country importer might compromise the effectiveness of the SCCs.  This verification process is lengthy and will be particularly impactful on smaller companies with limited resources to carry out the risk analysis, documentation, and monitoring it requires.  Still, the additional guidance is a step forward.  Could it eventually propel the US and Europe to reach a political solution?  We will follow up on this topic with a separate post, in which we take a closer look at the transfer tools available for transferring data outside the EU and into the US, in particular the updated SCCs and the supplementary measures that must accompany them.

California Introduces New Privacy Tools

State-side, the California Attorney General’s office recently announced two newsworthy tools that may impact readers.  The first is the Global Privacy Control (“GPC”), a universal widget that companies subject to the “Do Not Track” requirements can incorporate on their website to automate the process.  This opt-out tool, developed by an independent group of stakeholders, allows users to automatically signal their privacy preferences to participating websites.  Companies and businesses that have implemented a California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”) “Do Not Sell My Personal Information” opt-out mechanism may want to consider taking advantage of the GPC.  Will big tech companies lead the charge in adopting this tool?  We shall see.


California also introduced the Consumer Privacy Tool, an interactive Q&A form on the Attorney General’s (“AG’s”) website designed to help consumers draft notices of non-compliance and send them to businesses directly, rather than relying on the AG’s office to do it.  This notice, if properly sent, could in theory start the CCPA’s 30-day cure period during which a business must bring itself into compliance with the CCPA or face fines from the AG’s office.  The tool is currently limited to failures to post “Do Not Sell” links on a business website, but could eventually be used to track other types of CCPA violations.

Colorado Joins the Privacy Pack

As you have probably heard by now, Colorado became the third state to pass a comprehensive data privacy law with the Colorado Privacy Act, scheduled to take effect on July 1, 2023.  Colorado joins Virginia, where the Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act takes effect on January 1, 2023, and California, where the CCPA became operative on July 1, 2020, and where most provisions of the California Privacy Rights Act will take effect on July 1, 2023.  Stay tuned as we unpack the main similarities and differences between each state’s approach to privacy and track movements in other states.

Pressure Mounts for a Uniform Federal Approach to Data Privacy

            Finally, we want to share two pieces of news on the push for a uniform federal approach to data privacy.  The Uniform Law Commission (the agency responsible for drafting laws that many states implement in all subject areas) has drafted and released an initial draft Uniform Personal Data Protection Act (“UPDPA”).  The stated goal of the UPDPA is to provide a reasonable level of consumer protection without incurring the compliance and regulatory costs associated with regimes like California, Virginia and now Colorado.   Designed for states to adopt as written or use as a model in creating their own legislation, the law would apply to controllers and processors conducting business in a state and maintaining personal data of more than 50,000 residents during a calendar year or earning more than 50% if gross annual revenue from maintaining personal data.  Importantly, while the law would provide individuals with limited rights to access and correct personal data, it would not include a private right of action.  We will be watching closely to see what happens next with the UPDPA. 

Lastly, just last week U.S. lawmakers introduced a draft federal privacy bill, entitled “Setting an American Framework to Ensure Data Access, Transparency, and Accountability (SAFE DATA) Act.”  If approved, the bill would require companies to post privacy notices and appoint a designated privacy officer, would give consumers subject access rights similar to those currently found in California, Virginia, and Colorado, and would require businesses to conduct a privacy impact assessment for risk data processing activities.  The bill would also give enhanced powers to the Federal Trade Commission. 

Stay tuned for more privacy news from the Carney Badley Spellman team of privacy attorneys.

Have questions? Please contact us at privacygroup@carneylaw.com for more assistance! Or visit us at Carneylaw.com

Disclaimer: this post is for informational/educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide any legal advice. 

Copyright © 2021 Carney Badley Spellman, P.S.

The GDPR Update – Step 2 for Updating Your SCCs

Readers of our first post, GDPR update in this series, have already worked through Step 1: Transfer Mapping.  Part of that step was determining what countries you’re exporting data to.  Now, we move onto step 2: Transfer Tools.  Truth be told, Step 2 is really two parts.  So, go grab your country list from your transfer mapping project and get ready to review!

Step 2.a – Determining Whether the Countries You Export Data to Have Adequate Protections in Place

The first part of Step 2 involves taking the country list from Step 1 and determining whether the European Commission has found the privacy protections of those countries adequate under GDPR.  Remember: this is for data exports outside of the European Economic Area (the EU plus Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway).  If all of the countries on your list are in the EEA, your work here is done.  (In other words, if you were compliant before the SCC changes, you’re still in the clear.)

What if I transfer data to countries outside the EEA? 

If you transfer data outside the EEA, you’re in good standing if the European Commission has issued an adequacy decision in favor of that country.  Careful though, as sometimes the adequacy decisions pertain to only part of a country. 

The European Commission maintains its list of adequacy decisions here.  As of the writing of this post, the European Commission has stated the following countries have adequate protection: Andorra, Argentina, Canada (commercial organizations), Faroe Islands, Guernsey, Israel, Isle of Man, Japan, Jersey, New Zealand, Switzerland, and Uruguay. 

If you’ve reviewed your list and have found that all of your countries are either EEA countries or have adequacy decisions in their favor, you’re done!  But what about all the other countries?  Like (gulp) in the US?  If you’ve got one or more of them on the list, keep reading.

Step 2.b – Do Your Transfer Tools Provide Appropriate Safeguards?

Let’s start by answering the obvious question: what is a transfer tool?  A transfer tool is a written safeguard (e.g., a contract) that governs how the data is moved from country to country. 

If you’re exporting data to a country that’s not in the EEA or hasn’t received a positive adequacy decision, you’ll need to make sure you’ve got these safeguards in place.  Per Article 46 of the GDPR, these safeguards include: 

  • A legally binding and enforceable instrument between public authorities or bodies; 
  • Binding corporate rules; 
  • The standard data protection clauses; 
  • An approved code of conduct; or 
  • An approved certification mechanism. 

The idea is that these transfer tools will help level the data protection playing field.  The data subjects will essentially get the same protection outside the EEA as they will inside the EEA. 

Ready to find out if your transfer tools are adequate?  Check back in soon for our post on Step 3: Transfer Tool Assessment, and feel free to contact me with any questions.

By: Ashley Long

GDPR Update – The Standard Contractual Clauses Are Getting a Makeover

Last week the European Commission announced that the Standard Contractual Clauses (the “SCCs”) are being updated.  These changes primarily apply to entities exporting data out of the European Economic Area.  Starting in 2021, whether you’re a controller or a processor (or both!), you’ll need to make certain your SCCs and your data export policies are compliant with the new laws. 

The good news is that data exporters will have all of 2021 to align with these new obligations.  To ensure data exporters don’t have to start from scratch, the European Commission has provided recommendations to ensure compliance.  

Step 1 – Transfer Mapping

Curious about where to start?  Step 1 is to create a road map of where the personal data exported by your company goes.  Data exporters should review their existing data relationships.  Whose data are you exporting?  What personal data does that export include?  Which countries are receiving the exported data?  What are your reasons for exporting that data? 

You also need to think about the downstream data use.  For example, if you’re a processor, are you transferring personal data to a sub-processor who’s located in a third country?  Are THEY transferring that data to another party in a different country?  Remember that a “transfer” can be something as routing as cloud storage or support services outside the EEA.   

This can be a strenuous task for companies that export a lot of personal data out of the EEA.  However, the transfer mapping is an absolutely essential first step in knowing what actions – if any – you’ll need to take with your existing data agreements and internal practices. 

Next Steps – Transfer Tools and Assessments 

There’s more to do after you’ve completed your transfer mapping project.  If you’ve mapped any personal data being exported out of the EEA, you’ll need to move on to steps 2 and 3: verifying your transfer tools and assessing third-country laws.  Make sure to check back in for our next posts on these steps, and contact me if you have any questions, especially ones about standard contractual clauses!

By: Ashley Long

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Where Should I Incorporate My Startup?

You have an idea for a new startup. One of your first google searches will probably be about how/where to incorporate your business. There’s some good advice out there and some bad advice out there. In the interest of cutting through the noise, here’s the advice we typically give our clients.

Welcome to Delaware

If you’re a high growth startup and plan on taking investment from angel investors and VCs, Delaware is the safe choice.

Hi, I’m in Delaware.

Here’s why Delaware is great:

  • No one will ever ask, and you will not have to begrudgingly answer, “Why didn’t you incorporate in Delaware?”
  • A lot of the standard form documents that are available on the web and are widely accepted in startup circles (see, e.g., the Series Seed documents and the NVCA document suite), are prepared for Delaware corporations.
  • If you’re already in Delaware, you can’t be forced to reincorporate in Delaware by some pushy investor. This is what we in the biz call a 4-dimensional chess move.
  • If you move your company, Delaware is pretty portable. Every state’s major commerce center has lawyers who know and can work with Delaware corporate law, so you’ll never have to worry about finding a new lawyer.
  • There are certain provisions of Delaware law that are more favorable to company management than many other state laws.
  • Delaware has a separate court system dedicated to corporate disputes, and Delaware corporate law is updated more often than the corporate laws of other states.

Here’s the short list of cons for Delaware:

  • It’s generally more expensive in terms of fees and taxes.
  • You’ll invariably get a franchise tax bill for some absurd amount of money payable to Delaware in your first year. While heart attack inducing, this usually isn’t a big deal, and there’s an alternate calculation method (on the back of the notice that you just threw across the room) that you can use to get the tax way down to a couple hundred/thousand bucks.

Visit Washington

Hey, isn’t that where they filmed Frazier?

While we work with and form a ton of Delaware companies, we are located in Seattle, Washington. Washington is actually a pretty solid place to form a company. Here’s why:

  • It is less expensive to form and maintain a Washington corporation (the annual fee to keep your corporation alive in Washington is just a little over $100 a year; Delaware starts higher, and the costs of Delaware go up over time relative to the costs of being incorporated in Washington. It costs less in third party fees to dissolve a Washington corporation.
  • Washington corporate law is substantially similar to Delaware law, and in the event of any litigation, Washington courts would likely look to Delaware court opinions as persuasive authority.
  • If you run into a complex question of corporate law and you are incorporated in Delaware, you may have to retain a law firm in Delaware to assist you. This will probably wind up being more expensive than continuing to work with a Washington corporate lawyer.
  • Investors are generally pretty okay with Washington – we haven’t had much issue with investors insisting a Washington company converts to Delaware (though with one exception being accelerators like Techstars and Y Combinator). Microsoft is a Washington corporation, and it never held it back.

Other States

Here’s where some of the bad online advice comes in. A number of people will float states like Montana, Nevada, or Wyoming. There are some benefits to incorporating in states like this depending on where you ultimately go, like not seeing who the owners of a corporation are, lower taxes, wide-open spaces, etc. That said, there’s a litany of issues with these states (see “why not Delaware” and “what do you mean there’s no attorneys that know how to interface with Wyoming corporations in San Francisco?”). Incorporating in states like these should only be done if you have some sort of special requirement, and after talking with a lawyer and an accountant that agree that there’s some benefit with going to a more “exotic” state.

There are other states out there, like New York, that are “review states.” This means that every time you need to do a charter filing or other state filing, you have to barter with some attorney on staff at the state (whereas in Washington and Delaware, there is no process like this – you file, and your filing is accepted immediately). Because of this, incorporating in review states typically results in hair loss and melancholy, especially if you’re trying to close a transaction or financing which requires a charter amendment.


I just want to say that I’m not trying to bag on the corporate jurisprudence of other states. If you’re planning on creating a bootstrapped company that’s going to throw off cash on day one and will never leave your state of incorporation, you can probably do whatever you want. If for whatever reason, you grow out of a state, most of the time, it’s not too painful to convert elsewhere (unless you incorporate in a review state… ick, or someplace without a conversion statute).

In any event, I hope this was helpful. If you’re looking to set up your startup in Delaware, or if you want to walk on the wild side and give the beautiful state of Washington a try, we’re happy to help, and always feel free to contact me.

By: Bryant Smick

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Carney Badley Spellman is about Advocacy, Strategy, Results. Located in Seattle, we are a full-service law firm committed to exceptional client service and professional excellence. Our firm serves individuals and businesses of all types and sizes. Also, our attorneys work with closely-held companies to Fortune 500 corporations in the Pacific Northwest and across the United States. Although Carney Badley Spellman‘s location is in Seattle, Washington, we are proud to be a part of the Washington state community and communities across the nation.

How To Avoid Millions of Dollars In Capital Gains Tax By Using The Qualified Small Business Stock Exclusion

Most entrepreneurs don’t know of a simple way to avoid millions of dollars in capital gains tax. Section 1202 of the Internal Revenue Code grants non-corporate taxpayers a tax break of up to $10,000,000 in capital gains on “qualified small business stock” that the taxpayer holds for more than five years. This is a huge exclusion.  I believe all entrepreneurs should have a basic grasp of Section 1202’s high-level requirements so that they can take full advantage of its tax breaks. So, here they are. 

What Are The Requirements? 


To qualify, the issuer of the stock must be a C-corporation. S-Corporations or LLCs taxed as partnerships do not qualify. Founders should consider this in particular when choosing an entity. 

Less Than $50,000,000 in assets 

The issuer must have less than $50,000,000 in aggregate gross assets before and immediately after you receive your shares. 

80% of Assets Used

The issuer must use at least 80% of its assets in the active conduct of its Qualified Trade or Business (more on that below).

Issued After August 10, 1993

The company must have issued the stock after August 10, 1993. 

Original Issuance

Generally, you must acquire the stock directly from the company.  This becomes more complicated if you receive equity compensation, like options or restricted stock, or if you hold convertible debt or a warrant. 

Domestic Corporation

The company must be organized in the United States. 

I have nothing insightful to add about this windmill, which probably means I’m past my prime and definitely means it’s almost the end of the year.

Qualified Trade or Business 

The issuer’s business must not be any of the following.  I generalized the descriptions below for simplicity’s sake.  For details, see the statute. 

  • Professional services 
  • Financial services
  • Farming
  • Mining
  • Hospitality

Five Year Holding Period

You must hold the stock for more than five years before you sell it.  This also becomes more complicated if you receive equity compensation, like options or restricted stock, or hold convertible debt or a warrant. This will also become more complicated if a company began as an LLC and is converted into a C-corporation.

In Exchange for Money or Other Services

The company must issue the stock in exchange for money or other services.  If the company issues the stock in exchange for other stock, it won’t count. 


We have written about Section 1202 before here, here, and here. This post is just a summary, and Section 1202 can get complex quickly depending on the situation.  If you have any questions about 1202 or any of its complexities, feel free to contact me

By: James Graves 

Carney Badley Spellman is about Advocacy, Strategy, Results. Located in Seattle, we are a full-service law firm committed to exceptional client service and professional excellence. Our firm serves individuals and businesses of all types and sizes. Also, our attorneys work with closely-held companies to Fortune 500 corporations in the Pacific Northwest and across the United States. Although Carney Badley Spellman‘s location is in Seattle, Washington, we are proud to be a part of the Washington state community and communities across the nation.

This blog does not constitute legal or tax advice. In all instances you should visit your legal or tax advisor with regards to your personal tax situation.

The Blog of the Startup Lawyers at Carney Badley Spellman