Repricing Stock Options: The Rule 701 Math

By: James Graves and Joe Wallin There may be times during the life of your company in which you will want to reprice underwater stock options. Depending on your cap table, however, this may not be as easy as you think. As you know, Rule 701 sets forth mathematical limitations you must follow when issuingContinue reading “Repricing Stock Options: The Rule 701 Math”

The 9Mile Innovation Framework© – A Structured Methodology for Technology Company Development

Guest Post by the Team at 9Mile Labs When we ventured into the startup accelerator business over three years ago, we knew we were headed into brand new territory. The startup accelerator business model was pioneered in 2005 by Paul Graham at YCombinator (YC) and then subsequently adopted by many others after high-profile YC successesContinue reading “The 9Mile Innovation Framework© – A Structured Methodology for Technology Company Development”